In Tequesta, Florida, Hugo Gent, owner of GentTech, orchestrates a series of events that intertwine the lives of various individuals. Jarod Fields, transformed into Stratoman by Gent's experiments, flees and founds the B-listers, a group comprised of Simone O'Connell (Madame Magnet), Owen Zhu (Apollo-lad), and Robby Van Reid (Mattershift). Simone's parents' tragic death inspires her magnetic field suit, while Robby's burns lead his father, Allen Van Reid, to create synthetic skin, granting Robby his matter-based abilities.
Marco Molina, seeking power within the Molina crime family, steals energy suit tech for his girlfriend, America Cancino, turning her into Corpus, a formidable foe of the B-listers. Marco himself dons flight boots and wings, becoming Moonglider, a criminal adversary.
The B-listers' base, the Strato-sphere, floats above Tequesta, symbolizing their unconventional heroism, which isn’t loved by many of the citizens of Tequesta.