Omni Vallia, inspired by her father's sacrifice in the war against the Guran, rises through the ranks of the Oreian Peacekeepers before being sent to District Six on Earth. Lucio Petty, a self-proclaimed deity, becomes a threat to world peace, targeting Omni. Katherine Wyatt, alias Obscure, a CIA agent investigating Omni's ship, gains shadow-shifting powers after an accident with an Oreian particle separation net. She and Omni join forces and fight against intergalactic threats as the “Enlistees,” a “heroes for hire” type team based in NYC.
Naya, a Shiagan saved by Oreians during a Guran invasion, joins the Enlistees with Raymond Yuri when the Shiagan invade Earth.
The Enlistees eventually face the Guran, led by Gur'nix, who killed Omni's father, resulting in Raymond's death and Naya losing her vocal cords at the hands of a Guran. Naya retires to Orei.
Ramon Lucero, seeking a new high, steals an experimental drug, becoming Abolisher with destructive powers. To stop him, the Enlistees merge with Lightstar to form the Odyssey. Obscure builds a family with Andrew Briant before settling in the Space between spaces.