On the planet Orei, a world made entirely of a unique form of electricity, the Oreians, a race distinguished by their taller stature and blue metal face tattoos, inhabit floating constructs connected by bridges and walkways. Orei revolves around the pursuit of peace, enforced by their Peacekeepers dispatched across the galaxy. However, serious transgressions result in banishment to Orei’s moon, ruled by seven barbaric tribes.
The monarchy, under King O'zon, unites Orei's seven main constructs, each governed by its own laws and customs. The Oreian prophecy foretells the birth of a daughter, the 43rd descendant of a notable lineage, destined to wield immense power derived from Orei's core.
This prophecy comes to fruition with the birth of Maya Boyer (Metagirl), daughter of Jodi Boyer and Oreian defector O'mesh. Maya and her half-brother Terrence lived in the suburbs of Tequesta with their aunt Pam. Jodi, falsely imprisoned for O'mesh's murder, is later rescued by Maya.
Meanwhile, Oxim Tekaa, former prince of Orei, is framed for his father King O'zon's murder, leading to his banishment to Orei’s moon (O’zon was killed in a plot against the throne by Onnai). Oxim escapes, seeking Maya, his only hope of proving his innocence.
Volta (leader of the Zonxel tribe on Orei’s moon) learns of Maya and possesses her half-brother Terrence to hunt down Maya and Oxim. Zimri Cruzado, an Oreian spy, manipulates events on Earth, including O'mesh's death.
Oxim regains control over Orei and Metagirl becomes a hero around the universe, frequently returning to earth when she can.
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