Andrew Briant, son of Laura and Thomas Briant, lost both parents tragically - Laura to the Darkhold virus, which she dedicated her life to curing, and Thomas in what appeared to be a car accident but was actually orchestrated by Theodore Payne. Laura's research before her death led Andrew to investigate a gemlike substance pivotal to curing the virus. Meanwhile, Andrew's partner, Eric Leonetti, accidentally unleashed the virus in Payne's lab, leading to a catastrophic explosion that transformed Leonetti into Darkhold, granting him energy-based powers and a vendetta against Payne.
Andrew, assuming the mantle of Lightstar, opposed Darkhold as they clashed repeatedly, with Darkhold even targeting Andrew's best friend Joe Wyatt (Kinematic) and killing Joe's wife, Carol. Facing new threats outside of Darkhold (such as the Anti-stars), Lightstar and Kinematic team up with the Enlistees, Omni and Joe’s sister Obscure, to form the Odyssey. The team eventually becomes world-famous, establishing an HQ in Washington DC.
When Darkhold becomes pure energy with the help of Eva Crouse, Hemlock and Instinct join the team. The team faces serious loss when Hemlock faces Brainwasher but gain a team member (Solar Flame). Lightstar and Obscure have two children (Doubletake and Xenon) and end up moving to the Space between spaces, where Xenon becomes council leader.
The Odyssey’s core members after the events of Brainwasher’s attack are: Lightstar, Obscure, Kinematic, Omni, Solar Flame, and occasionally any members of the Wonderlings.