Nanami Shiro, descendant of a prestigious Noro priestess, grows up orphaned after her parents' tragic deaths, resorting to theft for survival until she's called upon by a Shisa mask, becoming Shisa-san with newfound powers.
Meanwhile, Seison Yuga, a reluctant schoolboy, discovers Nanami in his family's temple. He undergoes a transformative journey into Okinawan martial arts and heritage, then begins assisting Nanami as "Uchinadi."
Together, they face Hakuchou Otome, the vengeful wife of Okinawan ruler Shunten, who wreaks havoc upon Japan before Nanami fulfills a prophecy, defeating her.
Chatan, a warrior killed and possessed by the spirit of the Habu snake, returns to Okinawa as “Habu,” seeking domination and fueled by vengeance.
 The duo's battles against malevolent forces unfold amidst the backdrop of Okinawa's rich culture, including its vibrant community, and mythical creatures like the mischievous Kijimuna, who aid in the quest to protect Okinawa (and the whole of Japan, or the world, when necessary) from destruction. ​​​​​​​
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