Tequesta (te-keh-stuh) is a bustling city on the east coast of Florida, comparable in size to San Fransisco. It's home to a lesser-known hero team known as the "B-listers," led by Stratoman. However, the city also has a dark side with the notorious Molina crime family operating within its borders. Tequesta boasts two major technology companies, one being the highly secretive "GentTech," run by the billionaire Hugo Gent, known for his ruthless tactics and mysterious research, and the other being "Van Reid Industries," run by Allen Van Reid, a genius inventor and philanthropist. Maya Boyer, also known as Metagirl, calls Tequesta her home. Offshore from the city lies Mullston, a former military prison turned superhuman prison, while south of Tequesta near Miami is the Cruzado facility, owned by Zimri Cruzado.
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