The Wonderlings, a team of teenage heroes, are brought together when the Odyssey disappears, leaving a void in the world's protection. Downfall (kinematic’s gravity controlling daughter), Doubletake (the teleporting son of Lightstar and Obscure), and Tractus (whose encounter with alternate dimensions grants him elastic abilities) embark to uncover the truth behind the Odyssey's disappearance. Their journey leads them to cross paths with Concussion and Crashworthy. Dakota (Concussion), harboring a deep-seated resentment toward her father, Theodore Payne, joins the three with Nathaniel (Crashworthy), who seeks redemption from his dark past.

Crashworthy absorbs the energy entangling the Odyssey in an alternate dimension and channels it, propelling the team back to Earth while simultaneously sealing off the portal to the dimension. This act of heroism costs Crashworthy his life. Or so everyone thought until he was found and recruited by Nocturnal, and the rest of Silence.
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